Mark Borghi

Robert Motherwell

M (15 Dec 73) (sold)

M (15 Dec 73) (sold)


Acrylic, pasted cardboard, and pasted paper on Upson board

48 x 36 in (121.9 x 91.4 cm)

Signed upper left: R. Motherwell / 15 Dec 73

The Artist
Private collection
Ventura Garcés, Barcelona, 1992
Private collection NY until 2017


Robert Motherwell A Catalogue Raisonne, Vol. 3 CR #C415, p. 200

Galería Joan Prats, Basel Art Fair, Switzerland, 1991, cat. No. 5, cover illus. n.p. Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo 1976, cat. No. 10, color illus. n.p.

Seibu Museum of Art, Tokyo, 1976, ca. no. 10, color illus. n.p.

This work begun in 1973 was photographed in an early state in January 1974. Motherwell later revised it, adding the blue paint, and studio photos show that the work was complete by April 1975 (Sloman photo no. 250). The title refers to the rectangle of packing cardboard, which has three slots cut in it, suggesting the letter M. (Motherwell A Catalogue Raisonne, 1941-1991; Vol. 3; Page 200.)